All the power and
functionalities your workforce
needs for self-scheduling.

Download Komyunity’s product deck or request a demo to see how our features work together with Genesys WFM to significantly improve your employees work-life balance.

  • Always up to date
  • Informative notifications
  • Enjoy a perfect work-life balance
  • Improve your customer experience
  • Intra-day benefits
  • Easy to use

Download the Product Deck or request a Demo now!

Agents are always up-to-date…

on their work schedule and are able to view all the shift information, start and end times, breaks, meals and activities. The Komyunity mobile app provides secure access to the contact center schedule through the agent’s smart phone.

Automate time off requests from your workforce

Agents need time off to rest and recharge, and the planning team needs agents to cover shifts. The Komyunity Mobile Workforce Engagement Solution can automate the time-off request process and alleviate some of the stress for the contact center planners.

Easily trade shifts with other agents

Trading shifts is a perfect way to balance scheduling needs and meet service levels with a flexible workforce. Using Komyunity, agents can view trade offers, offer their shift for trade, and track progress instantly.

Receive push notifications when…

Agents stay informed of activity or schedule changes via push notifications. Additionally, Supervisors can send free format notifications towards agents using the Komyunity Web Portal to the agent’s app or the agent’s Genesys desktop.

Set preferences for availability, shifts, and days off.

Using preferences agents can inform the supervisors when they prefer to work or what days they prefer to have off.

Running Late? Report it through the app

Agents simply enter the amount of time they will be late, and the contact center planners and/or managers are informed instantly via email. Giving them the ability to be proactive in making sure the coverage is not affected.

Feeling under the weather?

Everyone gets sick on occasion and has to miss a day or two of work. When your agents miss work due to illness, the contact center planners and/or managers are informed immediately via email.